
Revolutionizing Pathology with Advanced Digital Screening

We are overloaded with pathology scans needing analysis but file sizes are too extensive for AI models to process efficiently in their entirety…..

Enter PathoNN: Accurate, efficient image processing and predictive diagnosis

By segmenting whole slide images into smaller, manageable sections, our proprietary image format paired with our foundational AI-driven screening and predictive diagnosis model can process scans more quickly and accurately.

Improved AI Efficiency

Segmenting scans allows AI models to analyze each section more quickly and accurately. This boosts the overall efficiency and speed of the screening process, leading to faster and more reliable results, thereby enhancing patient care.

Enhanced Detection and Diagnosis

Advanced segmentation techniques enable more effective processing and analysis of pathology scans through pdigy, improving the detection and diagnosis of cancerous cells. This leads to better patient outcomes through timely and accurate medical interventions.

Scalability and Adaptability

Our foundational AI model and image formatting ensure that this technology can be scaled and adapted to various types of pathology scans, providing a versatile solution for different cancer screening needs.

Clinical Implementation

Clinicians should consider integrating these advanced segmentation techniques into their diagnostic workflows to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of cancer detection and diagnosis.

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